The Main District Part II

"This is the Section 1, the basic stuff, the basic drill." That person handed me a card, an electronic ID Card.

I look at that card. Fancy design, nicely done, whoever that make it do a nice thing about it.

"Whatever you do, whenever you go, you always need to carry this card."

"And If I don't?",

" Well, Do you really want to have problem with those Robot again?"

Damn, those nasty Protectron, I don't want to get in touch with that nasty creature again, at least until I get a good Robot perk to handle them with ease.

"I'm the head of this section."

No doubt he has the face for this. Serious face, a face that can kill, a face of drill master sergeant.

"Please move along to the next section and don't forget to place your id in your left chest pocket" then everybody just nod their head sign of approvals.

and it took 5 second to realize that that the only pocket we have in this uniform. Why would they said over and over again? Just the announcer know the reasons. Yeah only the announcer. Hmmm... yeah only the announcer.

I just can't think straight and keep wondering "why would I remain here? I was sure there was something I'm should do. But what?" 

So i decide to investigate the place. 

"God dammid!!!" I yell as loud as i can until the ground under my feet cracking like crazy. The people surround me wondering what will happen next but they cant even move because the fear stat that came from my "cicada roar" that consume 20 mana.

Its been so long i use the skill since one of the author getting married and almost forgot that this light novel exist.

Then i release the skill but they still in frozen state. I wonder why so i decide to ask one of them



"Why you guys still in this state?"


"Cmon man just tell me what happen.."


"Can you say something?"

"... Hodor.."

"Come again?"

"Hodor... Hodor... Hodor... Hodor... Hodor..."


"God dammid hodor!!" Then i just kick his balls as hard as i can, and continue my quest.

"Tringting" suddently a windows pop up infront of me

[Great achivement. You manage to hold your emotion by kick hodor in the balls one time]

[Hodor been askin alot of people to kick his balls one time but nobody can understand him]

[I wonder why]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

Level Up!

Damnnn I leveled up three times for only kickin balls one time. My heart scream of joy because of it.

I wonder what will happen if i kick him twice or more. Hmm that's it... I'll do it. So once again I kick him... this time 2 times.

"Hodorrr!!!!!" he screamed with pain showed expression all over his face.

"Sorry Hodor... I never want to watch you. What I really want to see is Bran."


"What??", that's new... why suddenly he said anything new than Hodor???

[You got 100 EXP]

[You got 150 Gil]

[You got a loaf of bread]

[You got a bottle of safe water]

[You got a rare item, a pendant]

What??? I got so many item. What the hell is this? Maybe I have to push him to say another word or attack him again to get more. If I can do that I will be an OP char in no time. This is an easy way to grind.

I slapped his face

[You got a nasty stuff]

[You got angry status effect, uncontrollable one]

Err... what?

"Braawwhhhhhh", he puke at me.

You Got Something!

"BASTARDDDD!!!!", I punched him in the face.

[You got a little blood]

[You got a confuse status effect, controllable one]

I looked at my hand, and see his blood. God damn it!

"Enough the winter is comming" said John Snow

I turn my head and i saw his weavy hair blow by the wind and said

"Enough my ass. Its my story why god damn game of fuckin throne invade here!!!"

"Oke cut!! Hey you madre (Spanish word) what are you doing in the set?? We are shooting here"

I look around and said 

"Tee hee" 

while posing like Japanese idol

"Tee hee my ass!! Catch him"

And I start running from that place

"Poor Hodor" said Arya while pat his head

"Fuck you Hodor" i got tricked by that fuckin giant

[Tring tring]

[You got trick by Hodor]

[Your heart feel pain]

[Exp +2000]

The hell

Enough with this shit, "I summon you, the Dragon of Valyria!"

[Ding Dong!]

[Command failed, you're not a summoner]

[Command failed, you're not a member of House Targaryen]


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